Sunday, February 1, 2009

P&C!Chap1-Story1(Post 5)

Then,during lunch break,Yvonne sat with Winnie.Yvonne asked Winnie what to recommend,even though her mum packed her own lunch for her.Winnie answered,"The lasagna,the burgers,or either the baked rice.They're all safe from any kind of dangers or slime. Very safe and suitable for our tummies." Just as Winnie finished saying,a prep from the preps' table called out,"Yo, Winnie and Yvonne,come over here to join us! You can't probably be left out,like- as preps' siblings or good friends,you 2 should really long have been at our table!" Winnie recognised the girl as Fiona,Christopher's twin sister. Then,Winnie and Yvonne exchanged suprised and confused glances.Then, Winnie and Yvonne picked up their lunches and went over to the prep table among the 2 others where Fiona sat.

"So,look how lucky we are,fancy having Max and Andie's beloved sister, so as Sandra's sister here with us.What an honour!"Fiona beamed. Just then,Yvonne felt a shiver went down her spine. She could not believe what she had just heard. Someone just knew that I'm Sandra's sister?Won't she just come
home and give me a slap? Yvonne wondered.Yvonne gave out a painful groan and a shocked glance at Fiona.Then, Yvonne scanned through the table to see Max,Andie,Cassandra,Phoebe,and... and... and.. SANDRA!Yvonne could not believe her own eyes. Sandra could not have blurted the truth out... Yvonne just knew it... She knew that what she heard must have been a big mistake.Then, Sandra smirked," A penny for your thoughts,sister. I have to admit it,they thought you were cool,and I just said out the 'secret' ." Sandra shot a menancing look at Yvonne and Winnie. Winnie whispered to Yvonne,"So,what was that face or look for?"

To be continued next post...
author of Girl Confidential
(Everyone have/must check out the tags no matter what!Because they're very very very important!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey erm.. ZJ, it's hard to read the whole thing in those tiny letters and with the italic glow. stop it please. thx

